Sandy made a Cuckold of her Man


Sandy made a Cuckold of her Man - OK...Here's a TRUE story about my Sandy. Some of you reading the blog have seen it before and I wrote it on "MS WORD" so I wouldn't have to write it again and again!....

I’ve told this before and sometimes I think people figure it’s made up but it’s not! When Sandy and I first met it was 6 years ago when she was on “Holiday” as the Aussies refer to a vacation. She was at the end of an unhappy marriage and was coming to the US to visit some friends which were mutual friends of mine also. I’d never met Sandy face to face yet but we’d talked on line like many people do, so I felt like I was already friends with her. I was excited to see if reality was equal to my expectations.

Sandy had been married young and after 20 years found herself being taken for granted and the excitement had gone. I tell her that my take on what happened was that she was sub consciously on an “adventure” that she felt was missing from her real life. Her family had seen her off at the Sydney airport and she sat in the middle seat near the side of the plane. It’s about a 15 hour flight from Sydney to LAX so you’re stuck next to 2 strangers for a long time. Either you start talking to them or you’re in for a very long and boring flight. The man next to the window was very quiet and kept to himself but the man in the aisle seat next to her struck up a conversation with Sandy. They talked about the usual things like are you Australian…are you married….where are you off to in the US…who are you going to see?....etc. He was married, American on a business trip to Australia and was on his way home. Sandy said there was absolutely no flirtation on either one of their part and the trip was normal for about the first 12 hours.

As the flight progressed the usual meals were served and the “sleep period” where they stop showing movies and dim the lights had begun. Sandy had her blanket over her as did the 2 men on either side of her. She had on “skorts” (shorts that look like a skirt) and panties (no nylons). She was dozing and so was the man in the aisle seat..or so she thought. She felt his hand which had started on his own thigh slowly “slip” down to the side and lightly rest on the outside side of her bare thigh. She told me the first thing that goes thru you mind is..” this an accident?”. Then she wondered how far it would go. She says that it didn’t really bother her as he was a nice man and rather attractive. I guess if I’m honest with myself the thought of an attractive member of the opposite sex rested their hand on my bare thigh I’d enjoy it too..LOL.

She continued to pretend to be asleep and his hand very slowly began to slide under the blanket across to the inside of her thigh. She made the decision to see how brave this guy was and how far he’d go. She figured that by now he MUST know that she was aware of what he was doing and figured that by her inaction she must approve of it. He slowly slide his fingers up the inside of her thigh towards her crotch and when his fingers wedged between her thighs she slowly spread her legs to assist him. She felt her breathing starting to get heavy and she said she could almost hear her own heartbeat in her ears. He tried to move the cloth of her panties aside but because of the extra added problem of her “skorts” material he was more “ripping” out her pubic hair than making much progress. Sandy to this day finds than when I accidently pull her pubic hair that she flashes back to this experience and gets wet all over again.

By now Sandy was sopping wet with the excitement and naughtiness of having some man whose name she didn’t even know touching her in her most intimate spot. She made the decision to help him so she slid down in her seat and unzipped the side zipper on her skorts. He moved his hand up to her tummy and slid it down inside the front of her panties. He still pulled hard on her hair but she felt intoxicated by what was happening. He found the folds of her pussy and slid his finger in to get some of her wetness as a lubricant. He proceed to rub her clit and she said that he was very good at it. She reached over and placed her hand on the crotch of his pants and squeezed his cock thru the material. When she was telling me of this I asked her if she stroked his bare penis but she said..”No, I was feeling a little selfish at the moment and just wanted to cum myself so I just rubbed and squeezed his penis thru his pants.!”…LOL.

She said he knew right where her clit was and he only time he left it with his finger was to dip back into her for more moisture. She said she was soooo close to cumming several times but she was also nervous that the flight attendant of the man next to the window would catch them. So after about 20 minutes of his rubbing she said it became almost too much for her to bare so she finally reached down and grabbed him by the wrist and made him stop. She just couldn’t cum right then. He was polite and stopped with no insistence.. Nothing was said for the rest of the flight because shortly there after the crew began serving “brekkie” with the lights back on bright. When they were standing up to disembark, Sandy said she just decided that she had to at least know his name so she asked him. His reply was…”Why ruin a good thing?” Sandy was pissed off! She told me..”Hell…I didn’t want a relationship with him..I didn’t even want to meet him after we got off the plane..I just wanted to know his damn name!”..LOLOL.

It’s funny how I can tell this story now and not only not be upset by it but now Sandy and I talk about it in bed as a turn on sometimes! I was hurt and mad when she first told me about it and we almost broke up (we weren’t married when she told me). She told me about 6 months after our relationship started and I thought she should have told me earlier. She had to remind me that at the time, she and I hadn’t even met face to face let alone been an intimate relationship! Final thing is that I did a lot of growing up and maturing at this late age of my mid 50’s! We’ve been married 5 years now and she is a PERFECT loving, VERY sexual wife! Life is GREAT!



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